Monday 5 September 2011


For Sunday Scribblings
photo: Cobus Botes

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. 
~Mark Twain

There is much to be said about taking your responsibilities seriously, about planning, and not procrastinating. But sometimes we take this too far, packing as much into a day as we can, only to find there’s even more to do tomorrow. Like the to do list I kept at work, as good as it felt to cross something off, it was pretty disheartening to add three more items at the same time.

The idea of not delaying until tomorrow should definitely be used for what’s important, but the trick is figuring which of the tasks set before you are.  Some things ought to take a backseat to those that make us and those around us happiest, enriched and contented.

As the sun sets on today, we can reflect on what tomorrow brings instead: another sunrise, a change in the weather, time to heal, the unknown, a second chance, and most importantly, more time to do what you love.

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