Waiting /ˈweɪtɪŋ/ n. The action of staying where one is until a particular time or event. (wait for or on) Delaying action until (someone) arrives or is ready. Remaining in readiness for a purpose. (cannot wait) Used to indicate that one is eagerly impatient to do something or for something to happen.
Origin: Middle English: from Old Northern French waitier, of Germanic origin; related to wake. Early senses included ‘lie in wait (for’), ‘observe carefully’, and ‘be watchful’
Oxford Dictionary As my baby’s due date passes by, I wait, observing carefully, remaining in readiness for a purpose; I realize I don’t actually have much to say about this. I have been thinking about making an art journal/scrapbook/baby book for the daughter I’m expecting anytime now. So I put off writing, and had a look at Daisy Yellow’s informative blog about the topic, and got to wasting much time looking at the sites she recommends, and found this timely quote on her page:
"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
~ Bertrand RussellWhile I lost a windy afternoon to this perusal of art, squishing up my poor tummy and the life inside, sitting in a plastic lawn chair that is the “office” of our home, eyes squinting from computer glare; I found I was enjoying myself so much. The images were so inspiring to me. A favorite was Roben Marie. I was especially inspired by her images collected from other sites of what had been inspiring her, and I began to feel fortunate to have this time to “waste”. I may not have the chance again.
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